Friday, 04 October 2019 / Published in Government, Modular Building, Permanent Construction

Ramtech will exhibit our relocatable buildings and two types of permanent modular construction in booth 910 during the 2019 Texas Municipal League annual conference and exhibition at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center October 9-11 in San Antonio, Texas. (more…)

Tuesday, 17 September 2019 / Published in Ramtech News
tasa-tasb conference

Booth 878 at the TASA | TASB Conference September 20-22 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas

Ramtech will be back on the trade show road this week exhibiting our relocatable modular school buildings and two types of permanent modular construction at the 2019 TASA | TASB Convention at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center on Friday and Saturday September 20 and 21 in Dallas. (more…)

Tuesday, 10 September 2019 / Published in Education, Modular Building
relocatable modular building

Ramtech Eight Classroom Modular Building Under Construction for Cleveland ISD

Ramtech has recently received another order from Cleveland Independent School District for an additional two eight-classroom relocatable modular school buildings for its Cleveland Middle School campus. This will bring the total number of Ramtech’s standard portable and multiple classroom wings installed this year at the district’s elementary, middle, and high school campuses to seven buildings. We will complete the manufacturing of the two new facilities this week, and expect to complete the installation phase by the middle of October. As with the previous facilities, the modular school buildings will utilize R-Panel metal siding for the exteriors, with vinyl covered gypsum walls and vinyl composition tile flooring in the interiors. (more…)

Tuesday, 27 August 2019 / Published in Modular Construction
masonry permanent modular construction

Split-faced Block Installation Using Permanent Modular Construction

Whether it’s a freestanding facility or an addition to an existing building, modular buildings can be designed to meet or exceed the architectural aesthetics of traditional site- built structures. Ramtech’s pier and beam and slab-on-grade permanent modular construction methods can accept any exterior cladding combinations, providing the same curb appeal as site-built structures. This includes brick, block, or stone masonry, an Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS), various fiber-cement sidings, and all types of architectural metal panels. (more…)

Tuesday, 20 August 2019 / Published in Commercial, Modular Building, Modular Construction, Technology
modular construction manufacturing

The modular units for Carmel Place in NYC under construction. (Courtesy nARCHITECTS)

A very positive review of the current state of the modular construction industry and the future outlook for it was recently published in The Architect’s Newspaper. The article quotes the The National Real Estate Investor which showed that in the last five years the modular construction industry has doubled in size to over $8 billion. The increased productivity and lower overall design and construction costs were indicated as the most significant factors in the choice of using modular construction for commercial projects. The article also references the 2018 Commercial Construction Index economic indicator, a report jointly published by USG Corporation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that tracks trends in commercial construction. It showed that more than 70 percent of surveyed contractors see eight distinct benefits in using modular construction including increases in efficiency, productivity, safety, and quality, while reducing risk, costs, material waste, and construction times. The reduction in the overall project timeline also leads to an increase in the opportunity costs by allowing revenue-earning buildings to begin doing so faster than facilities built using other construction methods. The whole article can be viewed here.