Installation of Plywood Sheathing at the Roof Mate Line on a Permanent Modular Building
The materials used in permanent modular construction are no different than site built structures. This includes critical features like roofing applications. For large or small parapet wall facilities with low slope roofs, Ramtech prefers to use and install TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin) roofing material because of its durability and flexibility. This type of roofing material will adapt to a building’s movement and setting while still remaining resistant to impact damage, tears, or punctures. (more…)
Mace Group 47,355 Cu. Mtr. Six-story Factory in the Sky
From our friends at Building Design & Construction. There is a severe housing shortage in the UK which experts say will require cities to build an average of 10,500 new homes per month every year through 2038. That demand will require the country’s construction industry to increase its productivity by 30%, essentially requiring a shift from construction to production. The six story factory in the image moves up as each new floor is completed, on average, in 55 hours. On this project they were able to complete 18 floors in 18 weeks. Check out the video embedded in the article here to see how the process works.
Installation of a Pier & Beam Permanent Modular Building
Whether it’s a pier and beam or a slab-on-grade building, both of Ramtech’s permanent modular construction approaches can be installed quickly in a matter of days, eliminating the weather delays that frequently plague site construction projects. Our pier and beam type permanent modular buildings can be installed either by using a crane, or by rolling them into place if the area has adequate space for maneuvering the individual modular sections. The accompanying images show how the rolling process works once the foundation has been completed and is ready to support the modular sections.
Installation of a Pier & Beam Permanent Modular Building
The modules are moved onto the grade beams, aligned with its adjacent section, lowered onto CMU blocks, then anchored and lagged together to form a complete building. Once an individual section is put into place it can be quickly weathered in at the seams to keep out the elements so the interior and exterior finish-out process can begin.
Underground Electrical Service for Permanent Modular Building
The extension and connection of utilities requires the same site work elements for relocatable and permanent modular buildings as it does for site built structures. (more…)
Pier and Beam Foundation for a Permanent Modular Building
One of the benefits of modular construction is the inherent ability to minimize weather delays on the job site. Since the structure is being produced offsite, the ability to quickly set the modules on the foundation and weather them in speeds up the entire construction timeline. This means there’s no waiting for the framing or erection and other onsite construction activities to take place – the typical site-built work elements that are subject to weather related delays. With modular construction, once you install it you can immediately begin performing the interior finish-out with no delays. This also keeps any weather related materials damage to a minimum.
Completing Duct Connections in a Permanent Modular Buil;ding
The Pier and Beam Permanent Modular Buildings that Ramtech is currently building for First Baptist Carrollton is a good case in point. Although the rainy spring made getting the foundations in place a challenge, once the first one was poured we were able to quickly get one of the two modular buildings placed on it. Then, as the pictures show, while the foundation for the second building was being developed we were already performing the interior work on the first building. With J&P Contractors Inc.