Vance AFB Temporary Flying Training Squadron Facility
Ramtech recently completed a 17,284 square foot Temporary Flying Squadron Facility for the 33d Flying Training Squadron at Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Oklahoma. Procured using a five-year operating lease, the single-story modular building complex will be used for pilot training as part of a program aimed at increasing the graduation rate to address the shortage of pilots that currently exists within the U.S. Air Force. Ramtech worked with the 71st Mission Support Group and ASRCC, Vance AFB’s Base Operations Support contractor, to develop the project. (more…)
Last month, McKinsey & Company published a comprehensive study of the growing impact of modular construction in the U.S and Europe. Titled, ‘Modular Construction: From projects to products‘, the study puts into focus what the commercial modular industry has long held to be the case. (more…)
As a vertically integrated design-build construction company, Ramtech has been at the forefront in developing a beneficial and cost-effective D-B delivery model for commercial modular construction projects. (more…)
Permanent Modular Building Installation for First Baptist Carrollton (TX) Church
With the rainy spring having eased off somewhat, Ramtech has been in the process of installing the second of two permanent modular buildings for First Baptist Carrollton. The 26,624 square foot project is utilizing Ramtech’s pier and beam permanent modular construction process that will yield two education buildings as part of the church’s relocation from its current location. (more…)
Photo Courtesy of Vance AFB
On Thursday, June 6th a ribbon-cutting ceremony and official opening was held at Vance Air Force Base for the relocatable modular building Ramtech designed and constructed for the new home of the 33rd Flying Training Squadron. (more…)