Linc Moss Leads Waxahachie ISD Construction Technology Students on Tour of Ramtech Facilities
Ramtech was pleased to welcome two groups of Waxahachie ISD high school students who joined us on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week to receive a modular construction presentation and a manufacturing plant tour by Ramtech president Linc Moss. (more…)
On December 31, 2018, Ramtech’s Accounting Manager, Harleene Hackler, retired after a dedicated 28+ year career. Harleene joined The Ramtech Group in August 1990 as Assistant Accounting Manager to Don Burkett, ultimately replacing him in 2002 when Mr. Burkett retired. (more…)
The office of Governor Greg Abbott has announced the reappointment of Ramtech’s Roland Brown to another term on the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council. (more…)
Slab on Grade Permanent Modular Building for Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ramtech has secured a contract to provide a 22,680 square foot modular building at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in Los Alamos, NM. The two-story facility will be built using our Slab on Grade Permanent Modular Construction approach, and will include a two-story atrium, elevator, and two stairwells. The floor plan calls for 67 personal business offices in three sizes, along with an open office plan on both floors that can accommodate 12 freestanding office spaces in custom furniture cubicles. The Multi-Use Office Building (MUOB) project will be installed adjacent to LANL’s main headquarters located in Technical Area 3. (more…)
Eanes ISD Learning Studio
Ramtech recently completed two next generation portable classrooms for the Eanes Independent School District located in Austin, Texas. The innovative modular building project was a collaborative effort led by Pfluger Architects which began by using our industry standard portable double classroom design, then modifying the interior and exterior in order to create a new type of instructional environment dubbed the ‘Learning Studio’. (more…)