Tuesday, 27 November 2018 / Published in Government

Ramtech recently secured a contract to provide a 17,284 square foot modular building complex at Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Oklahoma. The single-story complex will be used for pilot training as part of a program aimed at addressing the shortage of pilots that currently exists across the U.S. Air Force. The square profile relocatable modular building provides space for eight training classrooms, 15 offices, a squadron briefing room, conference room, and an administrative reception area. (more…)

Tuesday, 23 October 2018 / Published in Ramtech News

Ramtech recently completed a 15,232 square foot permanent modular building for the Beaumont (TX) Independent School District, utilizing one of our standard classroom wing addition designs along with our slab-on-grade permanent modular construction process. We were able to accelerate the completion of the 16 classroom building at the district’s Beaumont United high school campus in under 115 days. (more…)

Tuesday, 02 October 2018 / Published in Ramtech News

Wall Set of Permanent Modular Building for First Baptist Carrollton Church

Ramtech Building has begun the manufacturing on two permanent modular buildings we are constructing for the First Baptist Carrollton Church of Carrollton, Texas. The 26,624 square foot project will utilize our pier and beam permanent modular construction process to provide two education buildings as part of the church’s relocation from its current location. The first building, a 10,624 square foot facility for adults, incorporates a central corridor with seven classrooms and men’s and women’s restroom facilities on either side. The second building provides 16,000 square feet of space with two large worship areas, six classrooms, and a boys and girls restrooms for the middle and high school programs. We will provide a grade beam foundation with drilled and belled piers for the two structures which have been designed for parapet walls with full masonry exteriors, TPO roofs, and split system HVAC units. The interiors will utilize vinyl covered gypsum for the walls and a combination of carpet tile, vinyl composition tile, and sheet vinyl for the flooring. Ramtech will also install fire sprinkler systems in each building.  (more…)

Tuesday, 11 September 2018 / Published in Ramtech News

Ramtech has recently developed plans for storm shelters that can be integrated into new construction or function as a standalone structures to meet Group E occupancy requirements for K-12 education facilities of 50 or more occupants and for Emergency Operation Centers such as 911 call centers, fire, ambulance, and police stations. (more…)

Tuesday, 28 August 2018 / Published in Ramtech News

Ramtech recently been approved as an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education System provider. We will begin offering face-to-face HSW Learning Units through our continuing education courses in Modular and Prefabricated Components. (more…)