Thursday, 03 September 2015 / Published in Modular Construction

After a spring and summer of dealing with heavy rains, Ramtech is progressing with all of the site improvements and foundation preparation for the new residential reintegration facility for Lifestyle Management Inc. of Edmond, Oklahoma. The 31,752 square foot project, which will accommodate up to 296 clients, is being built using Ramtech’s Accelerated Building System permanent modular construction method.   (more…)

Friday, 21 August 2015 / Published in Modular Construction

In June of this year, Ramtech Leasing Ltd sold its final asset; a 10,500SF office on 4.55 acres in north Fort Worth that has been home to the National Weather Service’s Forecast Office for all of north central Texas. (more…)

Tuesday, 28 July 2015 / Published in Ramtech News

Randolph ISDRamtech has announced that the company has moved to the construction phase on the new $7.2 million high school building for the Randolph Independent School District. (more…)

Tuesday, 14 July 2015 / Published in Education

Ramtech has completed the work on four new modular buildings placed at the site of the temporary school campus established by the Van (TX) Independent School District in the wake of the damage incurred from the tornado that went through the city on May 10. (more…)

Tuesday, 30 June 2015 / Published in Education

Redwater ISDRamtech has added the Redwater (TX) Independent School District’s new 18,348 square foot middle school facility to our featured list of permanent modular school building projects.  (more…)