Tuesday, 25 November 2014 / Published in Ramtech News

NOAARamtech announced this week that we reached an agreement with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on a new 15 year lease (with ten years guaranteed) for the agency’s National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office that we built for them in Fort Worth back in 1993.  (more…)

Thursday, 20 November 2014 / Published in Modular Construction

At the end of last month, ENR.com posted on their Marketropolis opinion blog a comprehensive list of 31 trends that A/E/C firms should be tracking which are impacting the construction industry.

Compiled from an email discussion of construction industry experts and professionals, there was broad consensus on the growing adoption BIM, the continued evolution of sustainable and lean construction, and an inevitable move towards modular and prefab construction becoming the norm.  

The post cites the recognized benefits that modular construction brings including the greater control, increased safety, and reduced risk of factory construction, along with allowing for an expedited project delivery that clients are demanding. The whole post can be viewed here.

Thursday, 20 November 2014 / Published in Ramtech News

With support from the Modular Building Institute, the main trade association representing  the commercial modular building industry, a $10 million federal grant will be shared by five colleges in Florida to provide training and education for the commercial modular construction industry. The grant is part of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. (more…)

Tuesday, 04 November 2014 / Published in Ramtech News

Ramtech was honored to attend an appreciation luncheon recently held at the new 17,280 square foot modular building we provided to Innovation Academy on the Longview campus of UT Tyler in Longview, TX.  Jesse Acosta, Vice President for Administration & Chief Business Officer for UT Tyler recognized the hard work and effort on behalf of Ramtech, designer Adams Engineering-Design Consultants, general contractor Nouveau Construction, and all of the UT Tyler and Innovation Academy personnel that were involved in the permanent modular construction project. Working with a very aggressive construction schedule, Ramtech was responsible for the design, manufacture, and installation of the buildings. We began setting the module sections on July 17 and were able to finish the building and turn it over to the University on August 18. (more…)

Monday, 03 November 2014 / Published in Modular Construction

Ramtech has received a contract award from the City of Austin to provide an 8,064 square foot modular office building that will be located at the City’s Watershed Protection Department. The new facility will provide space for 14 private offices, a conference room, a large training classroom, and restrooms with showers and adjacent locker areas. The project will also incorporate a number of sustainable features into the building’s design and construction, beginning with the use of Ramtech’s traditional modular construction approach. (more…)