Tuesday, 24 September 2013 / Published in Ramtech News

TASA/TASB Convention 2013Ramtech returns to the 53rd annual TASB/TASA Convention again this year, a conference we have been participating in for the last 25 years. (more…)

Monday, 09 September 2013 / Published in Education, Permanent Construction, Ramtech News

The Accelerated Building SystemWhile the enrollment in public schools throughout the southwest has been growing, the funding for new school construction has not.  Many small and mid-sized rural school districts often have over crowded classrooms but because of the difficulties in passing school bond elections and several years of flat property tax revenues, they do not have the funds necessary to build new schools. However, Ramtech has an answer for many districts that find themselves in this situation, and it starts with our Accelerated Building System, a permanent modular construction process that provides quality facilities with up to a 25% cost savings and a substantially shorter construction timeline. (more…)

Wednesday, 04 September 2013 / Published in Education

As the rebuilding effort continues for the West Independent School District in West, Texas, Ramtech publicly announced that we completed the essential instructional and support facilities that were required for the District’s middle and high school students to start the 2013 school year on August 26.  The temporary campus is comprised of 28 structures including 17 new relocatable modular buildings that are located on the West Middle School site that was destroyed by the massive fertilizer plant explosion on April 17 of this year. (more…)

Tuesday, 20 August 2013 / Published in Ramtech News

Ramtech’s ongoing effort to promote the use of relocatable modular buildings for standard portables and multiple classroom additions and expansions got a big boost on August 8 when KXAN TV, the Austin, TX NBC affiliate featured Ramtech in the stations weekly “In-Depth Set for School” series which runs every Thursday during the six o’clock news broadcast. Led by education reporter Erin Cargile, the series focuses on issues relating to public education in Texas. (more…)

Friday, 09 August 2013 / Published in Ramtech News

When looking back at the history of commercial modular construction, an evolutionary change began to occur in the early ’80s when the industry was primarily controlled by several large modular leasing companies such as GE Modular Space, and several wholesale modular manufacturers, the largest being Cliff Industries. At that time the only successful multi-plant, direct sale manufacturer was a company called PBS. (more…)