Sunday, 08 April 2012 / Published in Ramtech News

Ramtech made the announcement this week of another large contract for the design, manufacture, and installation of three new modular buildings for First Baptist Church in Frisco, Texas. (more…)

Sunday, 11 March 2012 / Published in Ramtech News

On February 17th the Associated General Contractors of America posted on AGC News information relating to the reduction in spending for all federal construction programs for 2013.  The proposed 2013 federal budget would institute a 31% reduction in Military/DOD construction and a 6% decline in the amount for the Corps of Engineers’ civil construction projects.  The reductions would total over $4 billion with only modest increases in GSA and VA spending of approximately $75 million. (more…)

Thursday, 01 March 2012 / Published in Ramtech News

With our GSA contract now in hand, Ramtech has now become eligible to provide the same modular construction products through the Texas Procurement and Support Services (TPASS) Texas Multiple Award Schedule (TXMAS) state purchasing program. (more…)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012 / Published in Commercial

While Ramtech Building Systems is a design-build construction company that owns and operates a commercial modular manufacturing plant, we often team with other companies in the pursuit of specific construction jobs.  (more…)

Thursday, 16 February 2012 / Published in Ramtech News

Ramtech continues to make great strides in securing contracts in a tough economic climate for portable classrooms, multiple classroom facilities, and modular buildings for public, private, and charter schools. Last week we were on full display at the 2012 Texas Association of School Administrators Midwinter Conference and Education Expo at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas.  Next up on the calendar for our education group is the 66th annual Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) which will be held February 27 – March 2, 2012 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. (more…)