Offsite construction, such as permanent modular construction (PMC), has a number of advantages when compared to onsite construction, including speed, lower cost, and higher quality. There are, however, a number of challenges that come with PMC. (more…)
While the economy has certainly hurt our public schools’ ability to meet their expanding classroom needs, there are viable options available. When you consider cost, speed, and financing alternatives, modular classroom buildings and portable classrooms become an ideal solution.
Ramtech Building Systems, Inc has for 30 years been the largest provider of portable classroom buildings in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Ramtech regularly inventories standard two-classroom buildings with and without restrooms that can be purchased or leased. With over 60 buildings available in stock, portable classroom buildings can be acquired through Buyboard or other purchasing coops, and can usually be delivered and installed within 2-4 weeks. Ramtech can also design, manufacture, and install standard or custom modular classroom wings with four to sixteen classrooms per wing. For more information go to and take a look at our floor plans.
Every successful company in the modular industry has a market segment and product line that works for them, but clearly there is no company that can do everything on their own. Modular dealers bring strengths in financing and marketing, Manufacturers understand traditional modular design and construction, and site contractors have skills in site construction management, scheduling, safety, and quality control. For the modular industry’s role in permanent modular construction to continue growing, modular companies must expand their relationship with other companies. One key is teaming. (more…)
The always changing healthcare market constantly creates ramifications to the access to quality medical care. Lack of insurance for many families compounds the problem especially if they are not eligible for government assistance programs. For this reason many school districts have stepped in to provide healthcare services at freestanding clinics located on existing school campuses. The flexibility of modular buildings that can be quickly designed, manufactured, and installed give a school district the flexibility to establish a presence in one area and relocate the building if their needs or circumstances change. (more…)
For over 30 years the commercial modular industry and the Modular Building Institute have promoted the benefits of modular construction when compared to site construction. Modular buildings are faster, less expensive, greener, relocatable, and available through alternate forms of financing. Despite these benefits, modular construction cannot meet every building need; however, there is an option that can expand the flexibility of modular construction projects. Meet hybrid construction. (more…)