For years we have heard how advanced the commercial modular industry was in the UK and Europe when compared to the U.S. Sophisticated, high profile permanent modular projects on the other side of the pond seemed to be well publicized and ingrained in the public mindset, while here most people think of most modular construction in the same vein as mobile homes. But it appears that the vision in the UK may not be that much different than ours. (more…)
Construction activity is progressing smoothly and on schedule for the two permanent modular buildings for the Blue Ridge Independent School District in Blue Ridge, Texas. Both facilities are utilizing Ramtech’s Accelerated Building System which provides the speed, quality, and flexibility of prefabricated building components combined with the durability of an engineered slab-on-grade concrete foundation. (more…)
With the significant decline in commercial construction since 2008, large commercial contractors that typically pursue projects over $25 million are now pursuing $1 million projects. In order for mid-sized contractors to compete, they must have excellent experience on design-build contracts and be able to show the owner that they can provide an excellent product quicker, and for less money than the large contractors. Smaller firms must differentiate their experience, their approach to the design-build process, and their teaming members. One significant key that can be highlighted is for the design-build contractor to sell the scopes of work they self perform. (more…)
Recent studies show that there has been a steep increase in the number of emergency room patient visits while at the same time a significant decline in the number of available hospital-based emergency departments. To fill this gap, the Washington Post recently reported on the substantial growth in the number of Freestanding Emergency Departments now in use in several states. Over the last five years the number of FEDs now in use in both rural and urban areas has more than doubled according to the American Hospital Association. (more…)
Texas Healthcare Trustees celebrates its 50th Anniversary during this year’s annual conference, and Ramtech will be in attendance. The conference takes place from July 28-30 at The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel.
Stop by and visit with Bill Barron to discuss Ramtech’s approach to medical construction and show you the range of projects we can provide. These projects can include Community Health Clinics, Outpatient Clinics, Office Buildings, Wellness Centers, Pharmacies/Labs, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Rehabilitation Centers, Dialysis Centers, plus many more. Visit our page about healthcare buildings for additional information and floor plans.