Thursday, 05 May 2011 / Published in Ramtech News

On April 29, 2011 Ramtech’s Roland Brown attended his first meeting of the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council since his re-appointment to the Council by Texas Governor Rick Perry earlier in the month. Along with existing members of the Council, Mr. Brown was joined by new members Doug Robinson of Williams Scotsman, and Scott McDonald, a building official from the city of Amarillo.  (more…)

Friday, 29 April 2011 / Published in Ramtech News

The Directorate of Information Management (DOIM) at Fort Bliss, TX recently began their final preparations prior to occupancy on the third in a series of permanent modular buildings developed and built by design-build construction firm Ramtech Building Systems of Mansfield, Texas.  Located on the main cantonment of the sprawling Fort Bliss military base in El Paso, the new 15,000 square foot building addition replaces the original base Data Center and Server Rooms built in the 1960’s.  (more…)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011 / Published in Ramtech News

With the subject of immigration reform and border security continuing to be a top issue in Washington, new legislation has been proposed that once again recognizes the benefits of modular construction and the use of permanent and temporary modular buildings for border security applications. (more…)

Monday, 25 April 2011 / Published in Education

April 20, 2011 groundbreaking ceremonyRamtech representatives Mike Smith and Rocky Hopkins were both in attendance at the April 20, 2011 groundbreaking ceremony at the site of a new elementary school for the Blue Ridge ISD in Blue Ridge, Texas. (more…)

Friday, 22 April 2011 / Published in Ramtech News

The office of Governor Rick Perry announced today the appointment of two new members to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council and the reappointment of four members, including Roland Brown, Ramtech Building Systems’ vice president of design and development. (more…)