When the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District needed to increase their existing terminal space to relieve the crowded conditions that existed at two of their seven gates, they selected Ramtech to construct a 7,168 sf. Type II-b all steel permanent modular building to meet the requirement. Ramtech worked as a subcontractor to Allstate Construction of Tallahassee, Florida, providing the core and shell manufacturing of the modular sections, the installation of the building, and the finish-out of the exterior. The modular sections included the exterior walls with 24-gauge steel high-rib R-Panel siding, all door and window assemblies, interior walls with un-finished gypsum board and required shear walls, perimeter steel frame floor, and the EPDM roof assembly.

Building & Construction Details: Pier & Beam Permanent Modular Construction

Project Size: 7,168 sq ft

Construction: IBC Type II-b

Facility Use: Passenger concourse

Completion: 118 days