Located west of Tulsa, the Oilton Public Schools were faced with having to replace a portion of their aging elementary school. The school district needed a cost effective way of demolishing the existing structure and building up the site to accommodate a larger building, all while minimizing the amount of onsite construction activity and overall cost. The district devised a plan to have the local county do the demolition of the existing structure.

Working with Ramtech, the district purchased the building through the Buyboard purchasing cooperative. The result is a new 15,232 square foot facility with 13 classrooms, library, computer lab, nurse’s office, and faculty lounge.

Building & Construction Details: Permanent Modular Construction Slab on Grade

Project Size: 15,232 sq ft

Construction: UBC Type V

Contract Type: Design-Build: Purchased through BuyBoard

Facility Use: Classroom Wing

Description: Permanent modular Grade level entries

Completion: 120 days