Ramtech Featured on the Syndicated Program Inside The Blueprint
Ramtech’s video segment for the syndicated program Inside The Blueprint Local Edition ran twice during November on KDFI Channel 27 in Dallas-Fort Worth. Produced by Florida-based BrandStar Entertainment, the four-minute segment on Ramtech was the intro to the 30-minute program which featured five Metroplex firms, all innovators in construction, engineering waterworks, insulation materials, and HVAC products.
The Ramtech profile focused on chronicling our traditional approach to the design, manufacturing, and construction of relocatable and permanent modular buildings, as well as a detailed look at our industry-leading slab-on-grade permanent modular construction process. Ramtech President Matt Slataper and Vice President of Engineering Roland Brown were both interviewed and provided their insights on Ramtech’s history and technical capabilities, how we go about developing relocatable and modular construction projects, and our evolution into one of the premier design-build modular construction companies in North America.
Prior to the broadcast dates, BrandStar Entertainment conducted a public relations campaign for the segment, along with various social media initiatives as part of a comprehensive pre-show marketing plan. Ramtech has received the licensing rights to the segment which can be viewed on our YouTube Channel here.