The office of Governor Rick Perry announced today the appointment of two new members to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council and the reappointment of four members, including Roland Brown, Ramtech Building Systems’ vice president of design and development.
Appointed for a two-year term expiring in February 2013, the nomination was submitted by former State Senator Kip Averitt, R-Waco and State Representative Jim Pitts, R-Waxahachie. This is Mr. Brown’s second term on the Building Code Council after he was picked to fill the unexpired term of former council member Michael Mount in November 2010.
Part of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the IBCC serves as an advisory board on issues related to the regulation of the industrialized housing and building industries. The next TIBCC meeting is scheduled for April 29, 2011 and will focus on possible amendments that need to be considered by the Council prior to the adoption of the 2009 international codes, as well as the review of a proposal from the enforcement division on a penalty matrix to be included in the TDLR Enforcement Plan.